Gardening is one of the healthiest, peaceful, and relaxing hobby to take up. It will reconnect to your mother earth and nature. Health wise with the proper tools set gardening provides endurance, flexibility, and strength all by itself. Gardening burns enough calories, which also keeps you fit. It will let you accomplish these beautiful things. It is going to be a very experience even if you haven’t done any gardening before. Just give yourself basic introduction and some basic ground knowledge.
Region:Knowing the region is one of the important things and it sounds obvious but not everything grows everywhere. So going to local gardeners or local nurseries might give you the information you need.
Soil:The pH levels and nutrients of your soil should be known to you. Knowing these will help you to know what kind of plants and vegetables you are able to grow on that soil as different plants and vegetables have different need of pH levels and nutrients.
Watering:Anything in excess is bad. Most of the beginners think that more water to the plant the better they will grow but that is not the case it will cause them. The mechanism is comparable to human bodies, think what will happen when you drink loads of water? Just try it once. Give consistent and ample amount of water. Just make sure that water penetrates the soil so that it can reach the roots of the plant.
Fertilization:More is not always better, often it is bad. The need of nutrients for each and every plant is different. In your family, too different members has different diet, so it is same in plants too.
Best Time:Giving water to the plant at right time is one of the crucial factor in their development. Early morning time in the morning is the best time of the day so before its gets too warm plants will have an ample water to imbibe and the excess water will evaporate. But if you water in evening your plants will be more prone to fungus and other type infection. Newer plants need more water than the older one as their roots are going to be in development stage.
Excess plantation:How are you going to feel when you are with 14-15 other people in a room having a capacity 7-8 people? Suffocated Right? Same is with the plants, they also need room to breathe and a proper air-circulation. This will lead to stress in plants and makes them prone to diseases. They also need proper light for their development.
NOT killing ALL Bugs:Most of the beginners in gardening think “The only good bug is a dead bug”, well that’s not true amigos! A healthy garden will always have population of insects, it’s their home. You should have proper balance. Insects provide pollination services to the leaves, flowers and plants. It is a fact that less than five percent of sects are TRUE sects. So bombarding pesticides in your garden will harm more than good.
Preventing Weeds:All the garden need maintenance, all the weeds should be come out of the garden floor bed before they reach the roots of the plants.

Happy Gardening!!!Paarth Infrabuild, Real Estate Developers, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
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